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2/18/05 8:04AM
Good Morning Y'all, It's a bit cold here in sunny FL. It is a woppin' 41 degrees F. But I know some of y'all live in the north and this is shorts weather for you, but a bit cool for us here. Yesterday, Mom was not looking too good yesterday around lunch. She has a wonderful roommate, Mary, and she commented to me that Mom wasn't her happy normal self and not smiling at all. Mom looked like she was about to nap and wasn't too interested in food. Dotty and Frank came just as they were taking Mom back to her room and Dotty thought she looked the worst she has seen her in the recent past. We went on home and came back at for supper. Mom looked great then. She had the sparkle to her eyes and she was pretty happy. She was smiling and recognized us when I got her glasses on her. I think she just was tired. I am not too sure when she takes that Dilantin and I think that is making her sleepy. As we were getting ready to leave yesterday around 1:30, the Physician's Asst. (PA) stopped me to talk about Mom. She was pretty up about Mom's progress and felt that she was just about where she was before Feb 2, in her speach therapy and in her occupational therapy. Where she has slipped in the muscle tone and sitting ability. She is sleeping alot and they have discontinued her physical therapy. The PA felt she would be ok to be released the first week of March, so I think we are a go with the plans to move Mom that week. I also inquired with Sharon, the social worker, if she could find out if anyone there would be willing to make the trip with us to care for Mom and we would fly them back to FL. I told her the dates and she is going to ask around. We are planning to travel on a friday/saturday, so that wouldn't mean too much time off work for someone. We could get them back either late Saturday or early Sunday am. So we will see if we can hire one from the staff there. If not we will see what else we can do. Dad has been pretty good. He hasn't been bugging Mom when we visit her. That is great. He had a bit of a restless night last night and did a bit of wondering around unil about 12:30 am. He kept thinking there were more people in the house than the 2 of us. He finally settled down and got to sleep. He got up this am at 8 and had breakfast and went back to bed. I will let him sleep an hour or so, then I will get him up for the day. I picked oranges and made juice yesterday. Five gallons!! The freezer is full and there are still a bunch on the tree. I can see why Mom got a little anxious about making juice. They fall on the ground and then they start to mold and then their are more on the tree. It is a vicious cycle. Oh, and both orange trees are getting their buds for the next crop!!! I even gave some to a lady at DM who juices oranges. Joan and Tom, you will have to take her some on your week here to get rid of them. I of course picked the lower ones, but there are still many more low ones on the tree. Not much else going on here. I will keep you posted. Love and hugs, #1 orange juicer and Dad.
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