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Tuesday, February 03, 2004 11:51 AM I just spoke with the physician's assistant for Mom. She said that mom opened her eyes for her while she was examining her (just moments before I called) and her lungs sounded good and overall she was stable. She may sleep as long as 24 hours to recover from the seizures and she is on dilantin and was on valium at the hospital. These drugs will make her sleepy. She has order the therapy to continue and her same meals. The dr. said that Mom was on coumadin (the blood thinner drug) since she had the stroke and was not ever taken off of it. They will have to do some adjustments to her meds in that the dilantin will make the coumadin work better, so that she may not need as much coumadin. I asked if they knew what caused the seizures and she said at this time, no. When they brought mom back to DM, they did not get a copy of her chart. The Dr. at DM said that they will order a copy of it for the chart at DM. But she said again that she didn't have a stroke yesterday.
Will keep you up to date as I hear.
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